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Information about Russell's Courses

Live Training With Russell On Patreon

If you want live training with Russell in using education technology in language teaching then join Russell on Patreon. Watch this video to find out more. You get to meet Russell once a month in a live training session and he also uploads 3 videos in preparation for the training session. The training is very practical, with teachers sharing ideas on using technology in language teaching.

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Russell's Language Technology Course In Collaboration With NILE 

'This is simply the most informative and practical course I have ever taken. I am already using many of the ideas in my lessons' ( Maria after doing TABHOT course)

This course is run in collaboration with NILE ( Norwich Institute for Language Education). Watch the video below to learn about the course.  This is a strong component of AI technology through the course and is very much a hands on practical course about using technology in language teaching. It also includes an E-Portfolio as part of the assessment which has proved very popular and informative.

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Click on this link to get more information


How I Built A YouTube Channel With More Than 80,000 Subscribers

I have managed to build over 80,000 subscribers on my YouTube Channel. In this course, I take you through the complete process and basically show you exactly what I do. The training is delivered through 2 webinars and you also get access to some additional support material to provide help after the training. The course covers the following areas

My video strategy ( the content I choose, where I put my ads etc)

How YouTube actually works and what you need to think about

How I plan my videos

How I make my videos

How I choose and make my thumbnails

All the 'magic' that you must do on YouTube (This includes title, labels, end screens, cards etc)

Sharing my videos on social networks

Selling products through my videos

Adding in Patreon

Watch this video

Click here to add your name to the waiting list ( we run the course about 3 times a year)

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Contact Russell

Online tutoring individual/group Online presentations
Face to face training & presentations